34A Hillview Terrace
Singapore 669255
Tel : +65-6316-6678
Fax: +65-6316-6615
Email :sales@m2m.sg
What to look for :
Why buy a Protection system for your car?
Protecting yourself and your family, as well as your vehicle and your car stereo are all excellent reasons to invest in a protection system. Additionally, most insurance companies offer lowered rates for vehicles equipped with an alarm; 'it'll will pay for itself!'
A good system not only makes your car more difficult to steak, it also makes it easier to live with. The small remote control that you carry with your keys lets you arm and disarm, lock and unlock your doors, and maybe even zap open your trunk. How's that for convenience?
We help you install your own alarm and save
When you order your alarm from , you can also count on the exclusive Technical Support we offer our Customers. Experienced, patient experts are ready to answer your questions. Its like having a pro look over your shoulder while you work!
How a typical system works
When you leave the car, push the button that arms your system. You hear your doors lock, and a siren chirp tells you your vehicle is protected. If you've accidentally left a door ajar the system alerts you with a different sound.
When you walk away, you feel confident, assured. The first thing a thief sees when he approaches your car is flashing LED that tells him your system is armed. Often, that's enough to make him look elsewhere.
If the thief tries to tamper with your vehicle, he'll get a warning chirp or a full siren blast. The system "brain" decides which sort of warning to give based on the severity of the tampering and the type of sensors the thief trips.
When you return to your car, use the remote to disarm the system and unlock your doors or pop open the trunk. You can even use the remote to sound the siren if you can't find your car or if someone is bothering you.